Wednesday, May 7, 2008

At long last

I'm done with undergrad!


Jess said...


dragon134 said...

i actually can't teach until i've had a year of grad classes - i'll be working on a literary journal, or in the writing lab, or doing research for a prof..... congrats on being done! way to metriculate!

emily said...

I agree. I think that's why I reacted so strongly against the Wager when you first explained it to me -- it's cold. It's more about fear than anything else, I think. If that's all your faith is based on, it's not going to get you very far in terms of joy and love and virtue.

As I sit here thinking about it, though, maybe it (and other intellectual arguments regarding faith) have a couple of different uses. They might be convincing to someone who's legitimately skeptical for intellectual reasons; and they're also good to have around in those moments when you'd just rather not believe. ("I'm not sure there's a god, so what does it matter if I'm acting like a jerk right now?") But yeah, Pascal's Wager is ultimately not spiritually satisfying.