Friday, May 16, 2008


I listened to people today.
To the secretary who considers switching jobs.
To the co-worker who is much older than I am.
To the socially awkward bachelor from church.
To the giggley friends with their linseed oil stories.
To the mechanic whose accent was better than my best imitation.

It's nice to have the time to stop
and listen to people.



Joanna Benskin said...

:) That is happy.

Yes, I did consider making the poem nihilistic or humorous, but my childish impulse for revenge against it inclined me to put the whole mess in prose.

Joanna Benskin said...

Yes, I'd agree with that. I'm relieved if someone says we don't have to do that. Here's a good painful George MacDonald quote on it (which I didn't type out, but found on teh internets):

"Or are you so well satisfied with what you are, that you have never sought eternal life, never hungered and thirsted after the righteousness of God, the perfection of your being? If this latter be your condition, then be comforted; the Master does not require of you to sell what you have and give to the poor. You follow Him! You go with Him to preach good tidings!-you who
care not for righteousness! You are not one whose company is desirable to the Master. Be comforted, I say: He does not want you; He will not ask you to open your purse for Him; you may give or withhold: it is nothing to Him.
... Go and keep the commandments. It is not come to your money yet. The commandments are enough for you. You are not yet a child in the kingdom. You do not care for the arms of your Father; you value only the shelter of His roof. As to your money, let the commandments direct you how to use it. It is
in you but pitiable presumption to wonder whether it is required of you to sell all that you have ... for the Young Man to have sold all and followed Him would have been to accept God's patent of peerage: to you it is not offered."

Heh, yes, I suppose I would have to change denominations to be a preacher. That or preach in a convent. Oh wait, we don't have those either. ;)